Sunday, January 30, 2011

i am a teaching ASSISTANT!

So, after much consternation and late nights of deep meditation, I have decided that a blog is the most effective way to keep everyone up to date on my travels, uncomfortable bowel movements, near death encounters, international conquests and moments of enlightenment. 

WARNING: i strictly forbid my students to read this blog and discourage anyone who cares deeply about the perpetuation of the holy English language to read this blog. as a result of my limited understanding of English grammar, sentence structure and words like gerund, i cannot be held responsible for the decimation of proper English. have pity on me and my writing (and always remember, I am an English Teaching ASSISTANT. NOT an English teacher... so i'm allowed to plead ignorance when it comes to things like gerunds).

Now that i've established that preliminary word of caution, i would also like to note that this blog has no direction, goal or coherent message. it will most likely morph into a stream of conscience rant much akin to emails between Logan Burruss and myself (but with fewer obscene images, words and videos attached).

With that, i'm off to bed... since i have to wait for an international license from KL, i have to get a ride to school every day with my lovely mentor Roselina. she is an unfortunately punctual person and will be picking me up at 6:50 am tomorrow. Baik Malam...


  1. i am so excited about this blog and will be following with great interest everything you say! Grammar was not your mother's strength. You can blame it on her....:)! xomum

  2. Hmm... I am guessing you used Google Translate to wish everyone good night in Malay. But actually, the proper phrase is 'Selamat Malam'.
